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A Terabyte hard drive. Being able to store massive numbers of digital pictures, movies, graphics, and other very large files is fast becoming an necessity. Just a few short years ago, a TeraByte of storage was available only in the largest computing centers. Now you can plop these hard drives on your desk. Truly amazing.
A wireless router for your home network. I love the ability to move my work location around the house. An inexpensive router (like my Linksys $49.00 unit) works really well. Just be sure to secure it properly.
For those of us who refuse to stop and ask for directions, a Garmin nuvi 350 pocket GPS navigator is the answer. Now we can have our own personal, pocket sized, navigator for virtually anywhere we travel.
Apple iPod Touch. The iPod Touch is a neat bit of technology. Using the same (really slick) user interface as the iPhone, Apple has added WiFi connectivity to the iPod making this a wonderful addition for the geek who also loves music. It could use more memory, but, the 16 Gig version is plenty large enough to get started.
Digital Picture Frame. OK, I actually purchased the Phillips digital picture frame last Christmas. My wife thought it was stupid, but, now, every time we take pictures, I simply pop the Sony memory card out of my camera, put it in the picture frame, and we can see the pictures change before us. Super easy to use and very nice quality.
Blu-Ray high definition player. I'm giving my opinion here (one that I have NOT given until now, see this post). If Disney sticks with their choice of Blu-Ray, then I will buy a Blu-Ray. There is no way I will go without seeing "Pirates" in HD.
A 1080p, 1920 x 1080 resolution High Definition TV. It does not matter what kind. The picture quality of high definition TV is an experience not to be missed. I often tell my family that our TV has a better picture than our local movie theater, and we have an HDTV with lesser resolution.